Costa del Sol Axarquia walk
walking Spainng
Costa del Sol (Axarquia) Tour & Trail
Super-Durable Map
edition ISBN
978-178275-0390 40k 'Tour & Trail' map £ 10.99
Super-Durable Map - 2 Year Guarantee
GPS navigation files now available for
Costa del Sol (Axarquia) - see PNFs Walk! Costa del Sol (Axarquia) Specification &
Digital Editions
del Sol (Axarquia) Tour & Trail Super-Durable Map comes with a 2 year
adventurous use wear and tear guarantee against splitting or falling apart.
Our large 1:40,000 scale, combined with splitting the region into West and East
sections with a generous overlap, produces double sided map whose total size is
840mm by 700mm that folds to a pocketable 240mm by 120mm.
Costa del Sol (Axarquia) covers the region from Ventas de Zafarraya in the
North-West to Almunecar in the South-East; approx 3 42'W to 4 08'W and 36 43'N
to 36 58'N.
You get the most detailed map of the region that is produced including our 'Tour
& Trail' level of detail ranging from major roads to secondary roads to minor
roads to streets and narrow rural country roads, plus dirt roads and walking
Altitude background colouring is designed to clearly show the altitude range
when travelling across the region by car or on foot.
100 metre and 50 metre contours are clearly shown on the map along with a large
number of individual height points.
Tour & Trail attention to detail is legendary as is our useful symbol range
including miradors, picnic areas, petrol stations, bar/restaurants and parking
areas where you can pull off the road safely.
You will easily identify springs, caves, quarrys, sports grounds, cemeterys,
churchs, chapels, lighthouses, towers and forts, camping areas, wind turbines,
hotels and golf courses.
For adventurers on foot Tour & Trail Maps are researched and designed by hikers
for use by hikers.
Our comprehensive gps ground surveys produce the best road mapping available but
the value of this on the ground research becomes even more important when you
leave the tarmac.
All of our DWG walking routes are accurately gps surveyed giving you confidence
in the accuracy of our Tour & Trail Maps.
Costa del Sol (Axarquia) Tour & Trail Super-Durable Map includes all the walking
routes from Walk! the Costa del Sol (Axarquia) which are specially highlighted
(red outline) while the official GR (Gran Recorido) long distance trails are
also specially highlighted (green outline) along with other local hiking routes.
It all adds up to the most detailed, most durable, most useful map of the Costa
del Sol (Axarquia) that you can buy anywhere.
Super-Durable Maps are printed with 100% oxygenation inks on Polyart by the UK's
leading map printer, which produces a map that feels like silk but will stand up
to the roughest treatment of outdoor adventuring and yet fold up like new at the
end of your adventure. 'Special Concertina Map Fold' makes Tour & Trail Maps
easy to use, and more importantly easy to fold back to their handy pocket size.
Polyart is made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and is therefore 100%
recyclable in category 2 HDPE. For more information see the Polyart website.
Tour & Trail Super-Durable Maps are printed on Polyart using 100%
oxygenation inks which produces a lightweight map that feels like silk
while being both water-proof and incredibly tough so that after even the
toughest of adventures your Tour & Trail Super-Durable Map will fold up
like new. Polyart is made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and is
therefore 100% recyclable in category 2 HDPE. For more information see
the Polyart website at
Digital edition of Axarquia Tour &
Trail Map available from
Walk! Costa del Sol (Axarquia) Specification & Contents back to Costa del Sol (Axarquia) main page